Sunday 28 December 2014

Turkey 2014

Well it's that time of the year when we all party and go to family members houses for lunches or supper, and we have the usual turkey, potatoes, pork, gammon, bacon, sausages and all the trimmings.  So believe it or not I have never cooked a turkey before, I do lots of cooking but we usually only have turkey at Christmas time so not a dish I have ever done, and of course there are the tupper wares you bring back home for later.......:)

So this year we are having a friend over from Barcelona for a few days, and I thought that it would be a nice thing to have a Christmas lunch with all the trimmings.  So off I went to my local butcher and after much discussion decided upon a Turkey crown (which consists of only the breast of the bird with no bones) brilliant not too difficult I thought.

My mother gave me a tip:  cook prior to the day so that its cold enough for slicing and it won't break up into pieces.

I defrosted the bird as per the instruction, 1 full day out of the freezer at room temperature and all that, and its ready to go in the oven.  I remove the plastic around my perfectly looking turkey crown and what happens...........Its a BLASTED cook in the bag Jobie, no instructions about that on the bag, just the weight were it comes from and nothing else, so the whole things sort of comes apart in my hands, how awful it was coming undone, and I only have 2 hands to keep the whole thing together and get the foil paper out of the drawer to see if I can rescue the blasted thing.  After much shouting for someone to aid me, my son Ryan always so helpful (hahaha) comes to my rescue, he gets the foil and I manage to piece back together the turkey and get it looking more or less like a hunchback turkey.......(I was sweating at this point).

We popped it into the oven at 200 C for about an hour and thirty minutes and voila it was done.  Now we had to wait and see what had come out of it.  I was distraught I had invited my parents over for lunch and I did not know what it was going to look like or for that matter taste like, definitely not like the ones on the TV

To my amazement you can cook a "Cook in the Bag" meal outside of its bag and no big deal, the turkey was done all nice and juicy, golden brown with its crackling skin and juices for the gravy.  It looked as good as it tasted and I was chuffed with the results, and also I have now cooked a turkey so the crisis was averted.

We are Prettiest when we are HAPPY. Don't waste time being sad.   

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